Odys Got Featured on TechCrunch

Last month, we gave away millions of dollars a part of our Money Drop Campaign and helped hundreds of businesses find their premium aged domain. 

But there’s even more exciting news from March that we didn’t share with you as we were too focused on making Money Drop a success. 

Odys Global got featured on TechCrunch! 

This Media Giant reaches million of tech startup founds in the US every day. 

And, when it comes to startups, aged domains are often an overlooked asset that many don’t know about. So, it became our mission to educate them and provide insights into how aged domains help businesses buy time. 

As you might already know, a domain is more than a website name and an extension. 

Investing in an aged domain, instead of purchasing a new one, can help new startups fiend earlier success.

Check out the full article from here and share it with friends! We would highly appreciate it. 

Odys Global Founder and CEO

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