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How to Make Money With Expired Domains: Everything You Need to Know

There are thousands of expiring domains becoming available on the World Wide Web every day. Those who purchase them usually use them as linking tools to boost their website and provide content related to their niche.

However, did you know there are many ways to make money from them?

Some people have even made a career flipping domains and using them to pad up their sites.

Here’s everything you need to know about making money using expired domain names.

7 Ways to Successfully Monetize Expired Domains

For anyone launching a new domain or website, paying for your claim on it is crucial. After that, it should be maintained so that it stays under your name.

However, once a domain expires, the owner would either renew or let it go. These are usually put up for sale or auction and can be recycled for a reasonable price.

That’s where a domainer like you comes in.

A great way to save and earn money is to buy expired domains for private use or to sell them to other sites. If you stumble on a valuable domain, you can easily make a lot from it.

Here are the seven ways you can achieve successful monetization of your expired domain names.

1. Sell Expired Domains on Odys Marketplace

When planning to buy expired domains, the first place you might think to go is a domain marketplace. So, what better way to make money than to put your expired domain up on them too?

Odys Global is one of the world’s leading expired domain marketplaces with its constantly growing portfolio of premium domains.

It already has the community and market to sell your domains to at a reasonable price. They cater to different industries, whether it’s a niche site or a large business.

It’s also a great place to find other domainers. By joining Odys Premium, they can provide a community you can connect to and learn from.

Besides selling, you can purchase various domains which are sure to have great authority and SEO value. You can easily filter them out and find an expired domain with monthly traffic. You can even filter results based on niche, industry, and needs.

Odys Global is a great place to buy and make money from expired domain names, unlike other websites with the same function.

Turn Your Expired Domains into Profit

Maximize the value of your expired domains by selling them on Odys Marketplace. Our platform connects you with serious buyers looking for high-quality, aged domains.

2. Flip Expired Domains on Auctions or Forums

Finding expired domain names usually means going through endless forums and auctions, like GoDaddy Auctions, to find expiring domains. A simple Google search may not be enough to find what you want.

That said, you can easily check PageRank for the domain’s authority and know if it’s worth buying or selling. This site focuses on the domain’s value on search engines and if it can help your website rank in its results.

Rather than buying and selling on any e-commerce site, you can negotiate valuable domains and get better deals on auctions and forums. It also makes looking for similar domains easier.

If you’ve found someone on the forum who may be interested in your domain name, you can easily find their contact information on the WHOIS database. It’s an internet database with information on domain owners worldwide.

These are great places to make money with expired domains and find great bargains on web pages worth spending on.

3. Sell Expired Domains on Your Site

If you have your website or blog, you already have a market under the same niche you’re working with. They can be an easy target for selling your expired domains.

Usually, someone might message you about your domain and if it’s up for purchase. However, if you have specific clients or audiences who can potentially invest in a domain, you can easily reach out to them with offers.

Once domainers realize the domains on your site are up for grabs, you’ll just have to wait for the emails and offers. Choose the best deal that will help you profit the most.

It’s an easy profit backed by the traffic from your current audience and those from the old domain you want to part with.

4. Package and Sell Expired Domains

There are specific marketplaces that package and sell expired domains for a bargain. Depending on where you find the package, you could usually buy domains by the dozen or more.

If you have multiple domains catering to a specific niche, you can package and sell them reasonably. It helps the future domain owner have the resources they need to build a website from expired domains.

Some marketplaces can also help you cover the fees required by the platform to sell these out at a good deal. This allows you to turn a profit and continue selling domains sustainably.

Monetizing with text link ads can be a bit of a controversial option. However, if done correctly, you can have a steady cash flow without working too much.

You can sell links to forums or other similar places. Having those high-income links and flipping the domain can help you rake in a lot of cash.

They’re not as easy as simple domain flipping, but their rewards make it a good choice for someone who doesn’t mind investing time in setting these up.

6. Build Expired Domains Into Niche Sites

If you find a niche-specific domain that fits your blogs or websites, you can easily build and rank for that. You can add an expired domain to your existing site to catapult both into the rankings.

It usually has the backlink profile you need to get started, so you don’t have to spend as much time on it compared to a newer domain.

Try using a keyword research tool to make the most out of keywords you can still rank in. It can narrow down what you can work with and help you ensure Search Engine Optimization.

These are easy options for those managing blogs and sites that cater to a specific niche. They come with the consistent user engagement a website needs to earn cash.

7. Build Authority Sites

You have a valuable asset if you’re lucky enough to get your hands on a domain with a page rank of 5 or 6. These are rare domains, but certainly not unheard of.

It can be more expensive than those with lower ranks, especially given their value. However, adding onto it can serve as an investment. Selling it down the line will ensure a quick profit on your part.

Using this old domain as a foundation, you can quickly build a high-quality authority site and rank on many keywords. It will give you a head start on your rankings.

Link building isn’t just about adding whatever you want for the sake of ranking. You’ll also have to ensure everything is relevant and cohesive to your content so it isn’t seen to be spamming.

If you spend enough time finding and building the perfect domain, you should earn dough in a snap. Besides, you’re already starting with an established domain.

4 Strategies for Generating Revenue with Expired Domains

There are more ways of earning cash with domains. From domain parking and development to selling expiring domains, domain names are constantly in demand, especially with the rise of online marketing.

Here are the four most common and practical strategies to generate revenue using an expired domain.

1. Developing a Website

Working with new domains takes plenty of time and effort, especially if you’re looking to build page authority. However, it’s one of the more common ways to make money using domains.

A key way to make a website that works for you is to include factual, relevant information in your content. You can also add expired domains in the same niche to develop your site more quickly.

Retaining and expanding a site as needed is best to keep the cash flow steady. By keeping it updated, you’re more likely to stay in the rankings as a relevant authority within your industry.

Once you have a developed website, you can keep it for passive income or sell it for a higher price.

2. Selling Domain Names

A domain name with potential value can be worth a lot on the market, especially if you have one with high authority.

One of the best ways to earn cash is to put it up for sale. Flipping domains has been a common way of making money at home without doing a lot.

If you have different domains, you can easily “package” those and sell them to anyone making a new website. It’s the easiest way for them to start ranking without investing much time or effort in building the domain.

Some people would keep a domain name and develop it before selling it. Others skip that step, especially if there’s a high demand for that specific domain name.

There are many strategies for selling domain names. Try to find one that would work best for you.

3. Optimizing Landing Pages

A landing page is different from the homepage of your main site. When a user clicks on a link, it doesn’t always have to direct them to the homepage.

The landing page has everything visitors need to access your site’s niche. Its primary purpose is convenience and engagement since it has everything the user needs to understand what your site is about.

You can link any old domain to your landing page to provide additional information about your site. It will help the website grow and provide more updated content.

However, remember to ensure that the content of the domain you’re linking is related to your landing page. It will help you stay relevant and prevent any conflict with ranking and SEO.

4. Monetize with AdSense

Google is a prominent search engine connected with almost everything, including the annoying ads that can pop up on your web page.

However, they won’t be so annoying if you can make money out of it, especially with Google AdSense.

In e-commerce, being in an affiliate program allows you to earn money by simply adding a link to the affiliate site.

These ads can be a great source of passive income. Any purchase made by your site’s visitor immediately helps you earn some cash.

You must keep your content relevant and updated to work correctly with AdSense. It should be helpful to the people who visit your site.

How Much Do Expired Domains Cost?

Many factors can affect an expired domain’s price. It can depend on the domain’s value or the marketplace you’re buying it from. Others would bid for domains, increasing their price depending on how many want to spend on them.

Some web hosting companies offer these domains for free. However, pinpointing which ones would be valuable will not be easy.

Depending on the site, the cheapest domains usually cost about $10-$30 yearly. The domain name must be paid for annually if you want to keep it registered under you.

Domain names with higher value, authority, and brand can cost thousands of dollars. However, if sold properly, they also tend to sell for thousands, even millions of dollars.

Try visiting auction sites and marketplaces, like Odys Global and GoDaddy Auctions, to find the best domains you can work with.

Metrics to Look For in Expired Domains

Many factors can easily affect the price and ranking on search engines. You’ll need to consider them, especially since you’re working with domain names expiring soon that others may want as well.

A good background check on the domain’s profile can help you find a perfect domain for your website or selling.

Here are a few things to watch out for when buying and selling expired domain names.

1. Domain Authority

Choosing the right domain depends heavily on its age and featured content. Building a domain with great content and trustworthy backlinks that make it an authority in its specific industry takes time.

An older domain will likely rank well when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) since search engines have already indexed them.

Quality content is also crucial for any domain. It should show information that will be relevant to users, especially since the average user doesn’t easily determine age.

2. Citation Flow and Trust Flow

The internet also likes to look at how trustworthy your domain name really is.

The citation flow of your domain is measured on a scale of 0 to 100 and predicts its value to users based on the present backlinks. It then compares the data in said backlinks to see their relevance to your niche.

The trust flow, on the other hand, is based on the actual content of your domain and how cohesive it is to your citation links. It also follows the same scale.

The higher the number, the more trustworthy it is. It’s also more likely to have a high page rank than other pages if it fits the tool’s criteria.

Evaluating a domain and its backlink profile can take time, especially for older domains. However, ensuring that you’re working with a good domain name is necessary.

One of the main reasons why people choose to work with them instead of a brand new domain is their existing link juice. All you’d have to do is extract and use the existing links for your website.

You can check out tools like ExpiredDomains or Moz to help determine the backlinks and anchor texts in the domain. It also assesses if everything is relevant to your content and desirable without having to manipulate search rankings.

A domain with good-quality backlinks is more likely to gain authority and recognition in its industry compared to one that’s been spamming.

It’s also important to keep an eye out for the following when it comes to backlinks:

  • Low-quality directories
  • Hacked websites
  • Pages with keyword-stuffing
  • Reciprocal link pages

Try to stay away from these features, which can damage your site.

4. Explore the History

Checking your domain’s history is crucial, especially since you can get penalized for the previous owner’s mistakes. You can use the Wayback Machine to see what the site was like before

It will help you determine if the expired domain name has engaged in virus distribution, pornography, pirated material, and other spammy activities.

If you don’t do this, you can end up blocking your website from search engines and keep your content from reaching its target audience.

Other factors to look out for in history are the following:

  • Reviews of the previous owners
  • Domain-based email blocklists
  • Ratings from anti-virus companies
  • Alexa traffic rankings

These can help you ensure you’re getting a safe domain to work with that will stay visible to others once it goes live.

Extra Tips When Buying Expired Domains [Do’s and Don’ts]

It can be challenging to find and buy expired domains with good deals, especially since everything is a race online.

However, there are a few things to remember to help you find expired domains and secure them.

Act Quickly

The first thing to remember is you’re competing for a domain with people ALL OVER THE WORLD. Many people can be eyeing the same domain as you.

Learn to be quick when securing your targeted domain name, especially if you’re working on your own to buy them.

It’s best to research beforehand so you don’t hesitate when the time comes, especially when you have a high-value domain in your sights.

Prices can quickly go up, especially for auctions. You need to be decisive.

Use Registrar Auctions and Backorders

An expiring domain goes through a grace period before being put up for sale.

Use the expired domain name registration to your advantage. Firms tend to use fixed prices or auctions. Look for a high-quality, affordable domain you can resell or add to your site.

When you receive a notification that your target domain name is available for backorders or auctions, you should contact the owner immediately.

Use Online Tools

You can act quickly if you’re updated with your target domain when it becomes available. Fortunately, you can easily track everything, from the expiration date to the confirmation of where the domain is.

These tools will notify you through email regarding the status, so you wouldn’t have to keep your eyes on the screen at all times.

There are also tools to help you find the owner of your target domain name. That way, you can contact the owner when the domain becomes available.

Things to Avoid

Many mistakes can cost anyone working with old domains, even if they’ve been a domainer for a while now. Take note of the following mistakes even experts tend to fall for when buying:

  • Bad backlink profiles
  • Violating trademarks and copyright
  • Domains previously used for scams

These are factors that can easily get your website penalized or taken down.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You may have more questions on how to make money with expired domains.

We’ve gathered the most common ones to help you with your further research.

How Much Can I Make From Selling Expired Domains in Auctions?

How much you earn greatly depends on the authority and value of your domain. There are many things to consider when earning a profit by flipping domains.

A beginner’s average profit is between $100 to $10,000. However, more experienced domainers can earn millions if they play their cards right.

The quality of the domain, from the backlinks to its content, can help you get more money. You can easily filter through those to know which can be sold at a higher price.

The best thing about it is that someone will always buy domains instead of starting from scratch because of the value they hold. The constant market will keep you making money from expired domains if you do things right.

How Do I Know When a Domain Will Expire?

You don’t have to monitor the computer screen to know when domains expire. After all, you can easily use that time to research further rather than wait for an expiration date.

You can use a backorder to track your target expiring domains to get email updates on the status. Once you get the notification that the domain expired, you can contact the current owners for negotiation.

Parties like Network Solutions can extend a grace period for backorders and allow you to hold onto your desired domain for longer.

However, it’s important to act fast when buying a domain name because it can easily be bought by someone willing to pay more upfront.

Some marketplaces would give you $10 and cover your renewal costs if you get the domain on backorder. It just shows how many deals you can get when you buy domain names.

Who Buys Expired Domain Names?

Investors and online entrepreneurs usually buy expired domains. They would purchase them wholesale and sell them for profit.

They can also improve the domain authority, increasing a domain’s value before they’re resold.

These investors then sell domains to business owners or bloggers who want to launch their businesses and ventures online using pre-existing domains.

Conclusion: Can I Make Money With Expired Domains?

While it’s not easy, anyone can make money from expired domain names.

It’s great to keep an open mind and research the process, especially since it has a great learning curve. Learning can take time, but it’s one of the best ways to make money online.

If you’re looking for a side hustle idea or something you can work on full-time, you can try to find expired domains and make money out of them.

Unlock the Value of Your Expired Domains

Curious about how much your expired domains are worth? Get a free valuation from Odys Marketplace experts and discover your domains' potential in the market.

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