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Kyle Klaver Avatar

Kyle Klaver

SEO Expert for New Site Builders

Ko Samui, Thailand (GMT+7)
English, Thai

5.0 (3)

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About Kyle

Kyle Klaver is an SEO specialist and freelancer known for buying and selling aged domains for mid to low six figures. He managed niche websites with high authority backlinks from sites like the New York Times and Forbes, selling a site for $450,000 in 18 months.

Where Can Kyle Help

Latest Content Kyle Published

Selling a Site for $450k within 18 Months

Recent Reviews

5.0 (3)

After the session with Kyle, my approach to SEO strategies has completely evolved. I am now equipped with a solid plan to maintain relevancy and capture link effectively for my website. Kyle's advice on starting niche, focusing on low competition keywords, and gradually expanding has given me a clear roadmap for success. I am grateful for Kyle's expertise and look forward to implementing his recommendations to achieve my digital nomad aspirations in Asia.

Ben K.

From SEO evolution to digital nomad dreams: Kyle's impact

I am genuinely impressed by Kyle's expertise and practical advice that I have added to my to-do list. His emphasis on user engagement, trust-building, and strategic traffic generation perfectly aligns with my goals, providing valuable guidance for optimizing my online presence.

Patrik Benk

Impressed by Kyle's practical advice for online optimization

Kyle's insights on acquiring links through expired domains were incredibly helpful. Together, we explored strategies for domain redirection, content creation, and enhancing online presence. With Kyle's expertise and clear guidance, we feel confident about our direction.

Sarah Sh.

Boosting our online presence with Kyle Klaver

Kyle Recommends These Domains

TechConfigurations.com logo

Aged Domain




  • Year: 2014, 10 y.o.
  • Language: English
  • Domain Rank: 26
  • Reffering domains: 193+
  • Authority links: 20
Learn More
FlipFlic.com logo

Aged Domain




Short domains

  • Year: 2015, 9 y.o.
  • Language: English
  • Domain Rank: 13
  • Reffering domains: 78+
  • Authority links: 6

Domain sold

MyDigitalComics.com logo

Aged Domain





  • Year: 2007, 17 y.o.
  • Language: English
  • Domain Rank: 17
  • Reffering domains: 80+
  • Authority links: 4

Domain sold

ScienceGeist.net logo

Aged Domain




  • Year: 2010, 14 y.o.
  • Language: English
  • Domain Rank: 29
  • Reffering domains: 160+
  • Authority links: 10

Domain sold

FireDepartments.net logo

Aged Domain




  • Year: 2005, 19 y.o.
  • Language: English
  • Domain Rank: 31
  • Reffering domains: 199+
  • Authority links: 10

Domain sold

Videohance.com logo

Aged Domain




  • Year: 2014, 10 y.o.
  • Language: English
  • Domain Rank: 34
  • Reffering domains: 127+
  • Authority links: 5

Domain sold

FlopStarter.com logo

Aged Domain




  • Year: 2018, 6 y.o.
  • Language: English
  • Domain Rank: 34
  • Reffering domains: 85+
  • Authority links: 3

Domain sold

AdvantageLithium.com logo

Aged Domain





  • Year: 2016, 8 y.o.
  • Language: English
  • Domain Rank: 29
  • Reffering domains: 157+
  • Authority links: 14

Domain sold

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